August 19, 2021

Episode 14: How Nurse Care Navigators Meet Patients & Families Where They Are

Care Management Nursing Supervisors Laura Dailey, BSN, RN and Tammy Margolies, BSN, RN, share how VHAN’s Care Navigators serve as an extension of a provider’s care team to support patients and families in navigating their care experiences and removing barriers. Learn how you can engage Care Navigators to help improve patient experiences and outcomes and how the team provides localized support across the communities served by the network.

Connect with Our Guests

Laura Dailey, BSN, RN

Laura Dailey, BSN, RN

VHAN Care Management Nursing Supervisor

Tammy Margolies, BSN, RN

Tammy Margolies, BSN, RN

VHAN Care Management Nursing Supervisor

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